新闻 2021年9月9日


Quick response to anomaly investigation and redesign scores prestigious award

SpaceX_Demo-2_Launch_ (Photo_Credit -_NASA-Bill_Ingalls)
SpaceX Demo-2发射(图片来源:NASA/Bill Ingalls)


NASA奖励雅各布斯团队成员, part of the Aerospace Testing and Facilities Operation and Maintenance (ATOM) contract, 获得著名的太空飞行意识(SFA)团队奖. Friends, family and colleagues joined in celebrating NASA’s SFA Team Award recipients on September 1. Members of the ATOM team earned their recognition for supporting an Agency-wide team on the combined anomaly resolution investigation and redesign effort for the SpaceX Dragon spacecraft that included contributions from individuals at Ames Research Center, 约翰逊航天中心, 肯尼迪航天中心和SpaceX公司.

The combined team rapidly responded to perform initial investigations and redesign efforts following the Thermal Protection System anomaly which occurred on the SpaceX Demo-2 spaceflight. 由政府组成, 支持承包商和主承包商人员, the team came together quickly and efficiently to analyze and identify the anomaly root cause, 然后加入到潜在修复的协作中. Using tools such as advanced engineering analysis techniques and testing in the Arc Jet facility at Ames, the combined team finalized and implemented a design to correct the anomaly and ensure crew safety aboard future Dragon flights.

The successful performance of the redesign on the Cargo Resupply Mission 21 proved just that: The team’s redesign worked!

The ATOM team provides aerospace testing and facility operation and maintenance support at NASA Ames Research Center. 该团队由来自正规博彩十大网站排名, Sierra Lobo Inc .的员工组成. 和梅蒂斯技术解决方案公司.

雅各布斯获得NASA SFA团队奖的是塞萨尔·阿科斯塔, 道格拉斯灰色, 加里森Heersche, Froilan吉梅内斯, 亚伦保林, 布兰登罗斯, 佩德罗索拉诺, Eduardo Tamez和Peter Zhou.

美国宇航局的 国家林业局项目 recognizes civil service and contractor employees for outstanding job performance and contribution to human spaceflight safety and mission success.