Q&A Jun 30, 2020

Q&答:与雅各布斯的美国宇航局约翰逊航天中心副总裁. Joy Kelly

雅各布斯的清湖集团副总裁兼美国宇航局约翰逊航天中心总经理. Joy Kelly talks career, her STEAM journey and how we’re helping #ShapeTheWorld of human spaceflight and things like cosmic dust.

Q&A Talking with Dr. Joy Kelly, Jacobs' NASA Johnson VP

At NASA’s Johnson Space Center (JSC), Jacobs为JSC的工程指挥部和勘探部门提供重要的支持, Integration, 和科学局提供综合工程设计, testing and verification supporting NASA's Artemis program to land the first woman and next man on the moon, preparing us for human missions to Mars.

想了解更多正规博彩十大网站排名在JSC所做的这个世界之外的工作, click here and read more in this International Women in Engineering Day (INWED) feature with our VP and General Manager at JSC.

In honor of INWED, we’re connecting virtually with our team of thinkers, 世界各地的梦想家和实干家,展示我们每天所做的工作,#塑造世界#.

为了这个专题,我们采访了雅各布斯副总裁兼约翰逊航天中心总经理. Joy Kelly about career, her STEAM journey and how Jacobs is helping shape human spaceflight and things like cosmic dust.

What’s your favorite part of your role?

每天都能看到我们文化的力量.  I get a strong sense of fulfillment seeing our team working together serving our NASA customer and supporting each other.

我们发表这篇文章是为了纪念国际工程女性日. What inspired you to pursue a career in STEAM?

从很小的时候起,数学就一直是我在学校最喜欢的科目.  在我高中的最后一年,我想成为一名数学家.  I asked my high school calculus teacher what he thought and his advice was “you love math and you’re good at science.  Do yourself a favor and become an engineer.  You’ll have a lot of options in life.”  So, I took his advice and am glad I did!

今年的#INWED主题是#塑造世界-你领导 our work with NASA’s Johnson Space Center 这正在塑造人类航天和天体材料管理——告诉我们一些关于这一点.   

 I could talk for hours about this!  We do everything from working with NASA and other contractors to develop the next generation space suit that will be used when NASA lands the first woman and next man on the moon; to providing analysis for vehicles that dock to the International Space Station, to working on humanoid robots and rovers to conducting basic research to determine mineral resources on the moon and Mars to curation of all the astromaterials samples (from moon rocks to meteorites to cosmic dust).  我们还与NASA和一个分包商合作开发, manufacture and conduct the certification testing for the re-entry parachute system that will be used on Lockheed Martin’s Orion spacecraft.  How cool is that?!


Walking my dog with my husband, working out, cooking, kayaking, having friends over (now in our backyard at least 8-feet-apart and with no more than six people), or abstract painting with acrylic on canvas. 

Most interesting career moment?

我的职业生涯中并没有什么有趣的时刻.  I have enjoyed each phase of my career in different industries and there have been many very interesting moments in each of them.

What’s something you learned in the last week?

Given the current events right now, the most important thing I have learned through participation last week is that uncomfortable conversations can be a very powerful way to bring understanding, empathy, compassion, unity and change for equality.

Most proud career moment?

The launch of STS-114 in 2005, 这是哥伦比亚号航天飞机悲剧后的第一次重返飞行任务. Jacobs had just won the contract in February of 2005 at the Johnson Space Center supporting the Engineering and Science Directorates, and our team, who had worked for another contractor for decades, stayed focused on the mission, accepted our new leadership, 我们都为我们在这次成功的任务中所扮演的角色感到深深的自豪.


That I didn’t know what Hon. meant.  When my sister said it stood for “the Honorable” I told her they didn’t teach that in engineering school!

People would be surprised to know that I….

Applied to be an astronaut.


诚信是我们最重要的核心价值观.  Without that, nothing else matters.  这就形成了我们的文化,以及我们能给世界带来的不同.

About Jacobs

你的动力驱动着我们,我们一起努力建设一个更美好的世界. At Jacobs, every day is an opportunity to make the world better, more connected, more sustainable. We’re powered by more than 55,在全球范围内提供创新的科学, technical, 为全球的公共和私人客户提供专业的项目管理解决方案.

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